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CCC Important Question PDF Download English/Hindi


CCC Important Question PDF Download English/Hindi

Q.1 When hacker penetrates network, this refers to network _ issue.

  1. Performance
  2. Reliability
  3. Security
  4. None of these


Q.2 Full Form of QR Code is …?

  1. Quick restore code
  2. Quick result code
  3. Quick response code
  4. None of the above

3. Quick response code

Q.3 Viruses are _?

  1. Computer Made
  2. System Made
  3. Man made
  4. None of above

3. Man made

Q.4 When social media is more based on image & Video.

  1. Facebook
  2. Instagram
  3. Twitter
  4. None of above

2. Instagram

Q.5 Which of following can be used for USSD Service.

  1. ##99
  2. *123#
  3. *11#
  4. *99#

4. *99#

Q.6 A Floppy disk contains …?

  1. Sectors only
  2. Circular tracks only
  3. Both Circular tracks & Sectors
  4. None of these

3. Both Circular tracks & Sectors

Q.7 KYC Means …?

  1. Know your customer
  2. Know your character
  3. Both of the above
  4. None of the above

1. Know your customer

Q.8 To select non adjacent files, Press and hold the _ key while selecting individual files.

  1. Tab
  2. Ctrl (Control)
  3. Shift
  4. None of the above

2. Ctrl (Control)

Q.9 Output of calc expression is =500/10/2.

  1. 25
  2. 50
  3. 10
  4. None of the above

1. 25

Q.10 Fourth industrial revolution is based on the concept of smart factory. Which type of development work have in this.

  1. Power
  2. Electric Work
  3. Cyber Physical production system
  4. None of the above

3. Cyber Physical production system

Q.11 An Happy/sad face insert in message text of e-mail is called an _?

  1. Winkie
  2. Charm
  3. Facetile
  4. Emotion

4. Emotion

Q.12 Full form of AEPS is …?

  1. Aadhaar E-Payment System
  2. Aadhaar Enabled payment system
  3. Aadhaar Encashment payment system
  4. None of the above

2. Aadhaar Enabled payment system

Q.13 Screen which comes up after opening the computer/desktop that shows all icons is called _?

  1. Spreadsheet
  2. Desktop
  3. Carl
  4. None of the above

2. Desktop

Q.14 If you receive an e-mail messages that include multiple recipients, and you wish to respond back to same list of recipients, use _Command?

  1. Forward
  2. Forward all
  3. Reply
  4. Reply all

4. Reply all

Q.15 Could computing save his data on …?

  1. CD Rom
  2. Hard disk
  3. Pen drive
  4. Internet

4. Internet

Q.16 Out of following, which is antivirus program ?

  1. Quick Heal
  2. K7
  3. Norton
  4. All of  the above

4. All of  the above

Q.17 Which one of among has capacity to store data more than DVD ?

  1. CD Rom
  2. Floppy disk
  3. Red Ray disk
  4. Blue Ray disk

4. Blue Ray disk

Q.18 In which of following type, data stored in computer ?

  1. Binary
  2. Decimal
  3. Hexadecimal
  4. Octal

1. Binary

Q.19 Technology used to provide internet by transmitting data over wires of telephone network is ?

  1. HHL
  2. DSL
  3. Diodes
  4. Transmitter

2. DSL

Q.20 To select a column, easiest method is to…?

  1. Double click on any cell in column
  2. Drag from top cell in column to last cell in column
  3. Ctrl + A
  4. Click on column heading

4. Click on column heading

Q.21 Documents, photos, videos etc are stored at _?

  1. Application server
  2. Print server
  3. File server
  4. Web server

3. File server

Q.22 Which one is used in RAM ?

  1. Conductor
  2. Semiconductor
  3. Vaccum Tubes
  4. Transistor

2. Semiconductor

Q.23 Founder of bluetooth ?

  1. Martin cooper
  2. Ericson
  3. Steve Jobs
  4. Apple

2. Ericson

Q.24 Father of Internet ?

  1. Charles Babbage
  2. Vint Cerf
  3. Denis Riche
  4. Martin Cooper

2. Vint Cerf

Q.25 What’s the name of first super computer of India ?

  1. PARAM 8000
  2. Saga 220
  3. ENIAC
  4. PARAM 6000

1. PARAM 8000

Q.26 Which type of storage is USB ?

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Tertiary
  4. None of above

3. Tertiary

Q.27 What is APY (Atal Pension Yojana) ?

  1. Provides Social society to unorganized sector
  2. Fixed pension is paid on attaining age of 60 years
  3. Encourages workers to voluntarily save for their retirement
  4. All of the above

4. All of the above

Q.28 Full form of CMOS ?

  1. Content Metal oxide semiconductor
  2. Complementary metal oxide semiconductor
  3. Complementary metal oxygen semiconductor
  4. None of these

2. Complementary metal oxide semiconductor

Q.29 In SMTP, Command to write receivers mail address is written with _ command ?

  1. SEND TO
  2. MAIL TO
  3. RCPT TO
  4. None of the above


Q.30 Which part of computer is known as Heart ?

  1. CPU (Central Processing Unit)
  2. Monitor
  3. Keyboard
  4. Microprocessor

4. Microprocessor

Q.31 SBI Stands for ?

  1. State Bank of India
  2. Stock Bank of India
  3. Bank of India
  4. None of above

1. State Bank of India

Q.32 In railways, banking etc which computer is used ?

  1. Mini computer
  2. Micro computer
  3. Super computer
  4. Main frames

4. Main frames

Q.33 An e-path that sends signal from one part of computer to another is ?

  1. Logic Gate
  2. Modem
  3. Bus
  4. Serial Port

3. Bus

Q.34 Full form of ARP ?

  1. Address reverse protocol
  2. Address resolution protocol
  3. Address representative protocol
  4. None of the above

2. Address resolution protocol

Q.35 Which can considered as building blocks of digital circuit ?

  1. Logic gate
  2. Diode
  3. Semiconductor
  4. CMOS

1. Logic gate

Q.36 Inventor of Keyboard ?

  1. James Gosling
  2. Charles Babbage
  3. Steve jobs
  4. Christoper Latham Sholes

4. Christoper Latham Sholes

Q.37 EEPROM stands for ?

  1. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read only Memory
  2. Electronically Erasable Programmable Read only Memory
  3. Electrically Erasable Practical reach only
  4. None of the above

1. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read only Memory

Q.38 Full form of OSI ?

  1. Optical system Interface
  2. Open software Intrerelation
  3. Open software Interconnection
  4. Open system Interconnection

4. Open system Interconnection

Q.39 Which type of storage device is BIOS ?

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Tertiary
  4. None of the above

1. Primary

Q.40 WORM stands for ?

  1. Write once read many
  2. Work on real memory
  3. Write on random memory
  4. None of the above

1. Write once read many

Q.41 Which is supportive for big data analytics among all ?

  1. Cloud storage
  2. Social Network
  3. E-commerce
  4. All of the above

4. All of the above

Q.42 TIFF stands for ?

  1. The Image file format
  2. Tagged Image file format
  3. The Image fax format
  4. Tagged Image file font

2. Tagged Image file format

Q.43 A user can get files from another computer on Internet by using _?

  1. HTTP
  2. UTP
  4. FTP

4. FTP

Q.44 MIME stands for …?

  1. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
  2. Multipurpose Internet Mail E-mail
  3. Multipurpose International Mail Entity
  4. Multipurpose International Mail End

1. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

Q.45 SMTP (Simple mail transfer protocol) utilizes _as transport layer protocol for e-mail transfer ?

  1. TCP
  2. UDP
  3. DCCP
  4. SCTP

1. TCP

Q.46 SMTP used to deliver messages to …?

  1. User’s terminal
  2. User’s mailbox
  3. Both A & B
  4. None of the above

3. Both A & B

Q.47 Maximum amount of cheque is …?

  1. 10 Lakhs
  2. 10 crores
  3. No limit
  4. None of the above

3. No limit

Q.48 Communication protocol which is used by Internet is …?

  1. HTTP
  2. UTP
  4. TCP/IP


Q.49 With an e-mail, we can attach the file …?

  1. Not more than four
  2. Not more than five
  3. Not more than ten
  4. None of the above

4. None of the above

Q.50 Which program is run by BIOS to check hardware components are working properly while computer is turned ON ?

  1. DMOS
  2. RIP
  3. POST
  4. CMOS


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